
I used these notes to receive a Distinction Mark (83) in Admin Law in 2018 (new curriculum). These notes are in an ESSAY SCAFFOLD, helping you in the final exam where you will be required to write 3x essays in a time-pressured environment. My ESSAY SCAFFOLD interlinks all the topics together, drawing upon all the course content to help you draw links between the different topic areas. These are also ESSAY PLANS attached to help you understand how the different aspects of the course interlink. These notes have been comprehensively put together to form an ESSAY SCAFFOLD that is COLOUR CODED and NEATLY ORGANISED into different subsections, tables and headings. They also have MINI-PRACTISE QUESTIONS, DIAGRAMS and PICTURES integrated into the notes, with a scaffold for answering exam-like questions, to help achieve the best possible mark. Please see the table of contents for an overview of the MAIN HEADINGS that I used to create my essay scaffold. Note that these main headings have then be substantiated into further sub-topics within the actual notes.


Semester 1, 2018

54 pages

18,639 words



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