
These notes were all I used to succeed in the Land Law exam in T2 2017. They comprise notes from the: - Lectures - Textbook - Extra readings - Cases and legislation They have everything you need to know for the exam, and all of the key principles are highlighted. The thorough, yet clear and concise, case summaries from my reading of all of the prescribed cases will save you a lot of time throughout the semester. My notes include ALL examinable topics taught in T2 2017, including: 1. Priority Rules 3. The Torrens System and Indefeasibility 4. Statutory Exceptions to Indefeasibility 5. Non-Statutory Exceptions to Indefeasibility 6. Volunteers and Paramount Interests 7. The Assurance Fund 8. Unregistered Interests and Caveat System 9. Co-Ownership 10.Severance of Joint Tenancy


Semester 2, 2017

111 pages

35,170 words



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