Subject notes for UTS 70109
Full Evidence Law Notes + Exam Skeletons. Evidence Law at UTS is heavily focused on the Evidence Act (NSW). This course is harder than Real Property, You need to pay close attention to the course and the structure of how to answer an Evidence Law Questions. These notes saved me in this course, you can answer any question step by step using these notes. In summary; - Relevance: the first threshold to the admissibility of evidence. - Privilege: professional relationships, sexual assault communication, legal professional privilege, immunities. - Documentary and real evidence: How these types of evidence can be adduced. - Witnesses: competence and compellability; examination of witnesses. - The Accused as witness: right to silence; character evidence - Credibility evidence: the exclusionary rule and exceptions. - Hearsay: the exclusionary rule; first-hand hearsay and exceptions. - Hearsay: the admissibility of hearsay evidence admitted for a non-hearsay purpose; admissions. - Opinion evidence: the exclusionary rule; non-expert and expert exceptions. - Tendency and coincidence evidence; the exclusionary rule and conditions for admissibility. - Discretionary and mandatory exclusion of evidence. - Judicial warnings, comments and directions about evidence
Semester 2, 2017
158 pages
250,000 words
UTS, Broadway & Markets
Member since
November 2017