
Comprehensive study notes covering the entire LAWS259 course. I received an overall Distinction using these notes and brought this with me into the open book exam. Much easier using these than trying to sift through the textbook under time constraints! Contents: (1) Introduction to International Law (2) Sources and Codification (3) Relationship between International Law and National law (4) Statehood and Personality (5) State Sovereignty and Responsibility (6) International Treaty (7) State Jurisdiction / Immunity (8) Permitted and Prohibited Use of Force (9) Humanitarian Intervention and R2P (10) International Dispute Settlement: ICJ (11) International Criminal Law and Court (12) Specialized Units of International Law (Law of the Sea, Human Rights, International Environmental Law)


Semester 1, 2016

41 pages

11,811 words


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Macq., North Ryde

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February 2014