Administrative Law - Exam Templates/Notes
Subject notes for QUT LLH206
Prepared by a 4th year law student with a GPA of 6.82. Received a high 7 in the subject, and was the exemplar assignment. Do not be scared by the size. These notes have been separated out so as not to be cluttered and allow for easy readability. They can easily be printed 2 per page. These notes have been prepared with the utmost clarity. The entire document is easy to follow, with clear structures delineated at the beginning of each section in a clear red table. Headings are colour coded throughout, with elements clearly separated. All details have been tabulated, meaning authorities and facts are clearly separated. Whether something is satisfied or not is clearly identified through a 'yes' or 'no' box in green or red, allowing you to easily filter through in an exam. My notes were categorised under the following headings: 1. Judicial Review 2. Ground: Natural Justice/Procedural Fairness 3. Ground: Non-Observance of Procedures required by law 4. Grounds: Improper exercise of power 5. Ground: Error of the Law on the Face of the Record 6. Fraud 7. Jurisdictional error 8. JR Remedies 9. Merits Review 10. Ombudsman 11. Freedom of Information & Right to Information 12. Executive Immunity from Statute
Semester 2, 2017
160 pages
60,000 words
QUT, Gardens Point
Member since
February 2014