
Extremely detailed notes covering all topics from the 18th century to early 20th. Helped me to achieve a distinction grade for this subject. Topics Covered: - Approaching 18th and 19th Century Europe from the 21st Century - 18th Century Europe - The Enlightenment - French Revolution (+ Impact) - Napoleon Bonaparte - 19th Century Politics - 19th Century Society - Religious Life in 19th Century Europe - Industrialisation in 18th and 19th Century Britain - Urban and Rural Life - Socialism and Nationalism - Migration in 19th Century Europe - War and Technology - Imperialism Abroad - Imperialism at Home - Citizenship and Belonging - Urban Political, Social & Cultural Change - End of Century to WWI


Semester 1, 2016

33 pages

11,205 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

February 2016