Contract Law Notes (Comprehensive (incl. case studies) + Summary for Exam) - DISC
Subject notes for UTS 70211
Page 1 - 82 (word count:36,205) : Detailed comprehensive notes covering each topics. This includes case studies + elements + other important details you'll need to know for your assessments. I've also included some additional cases which will be helpful/relevant when doing your assignments. Page 83 - 100 (word count: 8,282) : A summary including all the important components to bring into your exam. I've laid them out in a very systematic format including: Definition, onus, test, elements, other considerations etc. The last thing you want to do is flipping through 100 pages of notes in 2 hour time frame. This subject can be very heavy especially with the amount of case law involved. However, with a good set of notes you can easily achieve the mark you want. NOTE*: the index table on the front page is a bit funny (page numbers somehow got jumbled up). Had some technical errors there... This will not be there when you purchased the entire set of notes.
Spring session, 2017
102 pages
44,497 words
USYD, Cumberland
Member since
February 2015
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