
Extremely detailed set of notes that helped me achieve H1 in this subject. Has ample revision for exams, particularly bullet-point processes, pros & cons of genetic methods, case studies, and highlighted definitions for memorization. Some tips to take into this subject: - Have or learn some genetic biology, the first module is majorly based on the reproductive system & genetic inheritance (e.g. aneuploidy) - Don't fret too much about the details that are NOT included in the 'what you need to know' slide at the end of each lecture. Basically, it's unnecessary but interesting info. - Do remember every detail of major genetic testing processes, pros and cons of common ethical issues, etc. These will be the target of Section C in the exam- which requires you to write as much as you know in each topic. - Make friends in your tutorial group! It will help if you team up for the oral presentation and get to explore your creativity together. (cupcakes are a must for bribery of the tutors ;))


Semester 1, 2017

38 pages

14,478 words



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UniMelb, Parkville

Member since

February 2017