
Exam notes used for the Communication in Business exam in Semester 1 of 2017. Notes cover all topics assessed in the unit and contain company examples, which are a requirement for the exam. Notes are easy to understand and are detailed enough to thoroughly cover the unit without being over-detailed/ unnecessarily long. Using these notes to study as well as completing practice essays using discussion questions from the tutorials, I completed the exam without any struggles. Topics Covered: 1. Changing Social Environment and Business. 2. Stakeholders, Special Interest Groups and the Criticism of Business. 3. Corporate Public Policy. 5. Government Relationships. 6. Government Relationships. 7. Corporate Citizenship. 8. Power of Social Media. 9. Crisis Communication and Brand Management. 10. Corporate Governance. (Topic 4 is not covered in notes as this was Referencing/ Plagiarism, which I did not find I needed to study/ knew wouldn't feature heavily in the exam).


Semester 1, 2017

17 pages

5,038 words



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Curtin, Bentley

Member since

February 2017