Criminal Law & Procedure

Summary of all 13 Weeks content. Topics: Criminal Justice System Principles of Criminal Responsib...

69 pages, 18062 words


$48 per hour

Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...


$90 per hour

Extensive experience in tutoring law students, and helping them achieve their goals. I am competent...


Incredibly interesting content and the new 6th edn textbook is so complimentary! Unfortunately the way it was taught was really disappointing and frustrating. Assessments were handed back months later, no feedback was given to improve and assessment deadlines kept getting pushed back because the lecturer hadn’t finished the questions which meant they began to clash with other courses and it became incredibly stressful. I hope in future they have their act together a bit more because the course has so much potential!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

Such an interesting course - well taught!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018