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Final Exam Notes

compromised from a mix of lecture and text notes

56 pages, 12249 words


$25 per hour

Hi All! My name is Sam, and I am an expert tutor who will help you ace your assessments, whether the...


$70 per hour

Hi! I'm an experienced tutor for assessment preparation (pay AFTER results), including assignments a...


Quite easy to do well in, attend all the workshops and don't slack off too much

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

This unit was quite enjoyable, and felt relevant to the real life news we would discuss in class. I wasn't a fan of the completely online lectures, but our awesome tutor made up for it in the workshops. Content wise, this unit is not too bad and is quite conceptual if you learn the relevant graphs and how to explain them.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017