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Authors: Alan Chamberlain, Jane Zemiro
3 weeks agoAuthors: Mark Easton, Bernie Howitt, Joanne Wilson, Geraldine Carrodus, Tim Delany, Annie Wilson
3 weeks agoAuthors: Eddy De Jong, National Educational Advancement Programs
3 weeks agoAuthors: Jones, Peter
3 weeks agoAuthors: David Greenwood
3 weeks agoAuthors: David Greenwood
3 weeks agoAuthors: Sarah Woolley
3 weeks agoAuthors: John R. Schermerhorn, Jr., Paul Davidson, Daniel G. Bachrach, Peter Woods, Fatima Junaid, Tui McKeown, Mary Mitchell
3 weeks agoAuthors: David Shum, John O'Gorman, Peter Creed, Brett Myors
3 weeks agoAuthors: David Nelson, Michael M. Cox
3 weeks agoAuthors: Lisa Burton Crawford, Janina Boughey, Melissa Castan, Maria O'sullivan
3 weeks agoAuthors: FAUSTO, NELSON
3 weeks agoAuthors: Keith Lean Moore, Arthur F. Dalley, Anne M. R. Agur
3 weeks agoMonash textbooks by subject area: