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VCE Psychology

Psychology is a very enjoyable and interesting subject. We learnt about memory, learning and sleep w...

4 years ago


Lectures are difficult to understand. Little help from lecturer. Exam was ok though

4 years ago


Really fun. Enjoy your time, enjoy the exam

4 years ago


Prepare for days of sleeplessness, and please don't underestimate the midsem

4 years ago


The topic was fairly interesting. I chose this cause I didn't have much of an interest in advanced o...

4 years ago


This unit is hard, I think because it has a new coordinator this year. I worked my butt off and bare...

4 years ago


Very maths heavy if you haven't done many economics maths units before. However, well taught and ass...

4 years ago


Excellent subject and well taught. Only downside is lecturer will not release access to notes until...

4 years ago


It had some good and bad moments, but I mostly enjoyed my time in this unit. The lecturers were most...

4 years ago


Lectures were awful and difficult to follow as the lecturers were not very good, especially in the m...

4 years ago


Less structured than ATS1281 (first sem Criminology) however much of the knowledge is similar to Leg...

4 years ago

EDF 5532

I thought this would be a very dry topic to study but it wasn't, it was very interesting and insight...

4 years ago

EDF 5530

Like most subjects in this degree, topics are covered at a high level, your lecturer will make a dif...

4 years ago


Many students didn't like this unit. I was opposite. I liked that I could choose areas of interest f...

4 years ago


I thought this would be a very dry topic to study but it wasn't, it was very interesting and insight...

4 years ago

EDF 5531

The first few weeks of this unit could be covered in one week. Given ACT is now the gold standard of...

4 years ago


Like most subjects in this degree, topics are covered at a high level, your lecturer will make a dif...

4 years ago


Like most subjects in this degree, topics are covered at a high level. What you get out of this subj...

4 years ago


While not my field of counselling this was my favourite subject, which also had a lot to do with the...

4 years ago


This unit runs over the summer and in 2 weeks you can get an "easy 6 credit points" if you are good...

4 years ago


One of my favourite courses! This class was challenging in all the right ways (in my opinion). it co...

4 years ago


Content heavy and sometimes repetitive, but an interesting subject nonetheless

4 years ago


At the time I took this course it was quite challenging, though this was largely in part due to the...

4 years ago


Pete Lentini was the lecturer at the time I did this, he delivered the content with compassion and a...

4 years ago

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