International Management
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View all MGF3681 notesHD - MGF3681 International Management FULL EXAM NOTES + PRACTICE EXAM QUESTIONS SET
High distinction MGF3681 CURRENT Exam notes covering every aspect of the materials covered in lectur...
23 pages, 4942 words
MGF3681 HD Weekly Summary Notes
Extensive weekly summary notes covering topics: - International Management Challenges - Ethical Is...
57 pages, 10635 words
HD - MGF3681 International Management FULL EXAM NOTES
High distinction MGF3681 CURRENT Exam notes covering every aspect of the materials covered in lectur...
20 pages, 4214 words
HD MGF3681 Notes
Concise notes based off lectures and readings Got an HD for this unit Covers: (1) Introduction...
44 pages, 10003 words
170 exam-style practice questions - International Management (HD prep)
Taken S2/2016 at Caulfiled Double Degree - Commerce and Business Received HD 170 exam-style pract...
17 pages, 2328 words
International Management HD Notes + 170 exam-style practice questions - International Business (HD prep)
Taken S2/2016 at Caulfiled Double Degree - Commerce and Business Received HD. These notes were we...
68 pages, 13139 words
International Management - Complete HD Notes
Taken S2/2016 at Caulfiled Double Degree - Commerce and Business Received HD, these notes were wel...
51 pages, 10811 words
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Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...
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Hi! I'm Kelly, your personal tutor. I am a Deans Scholar, and currently in my penultimate year of my...
$90 per hour
Quite insightful, Olga may seem intimidating to begin with, but she's an amazing teacher who just wants you to do well (plus she has a pretty good sense of humour). Students are actively encouraged to participate and be highly critical of the content that is presented to assess its realistic applicability in cross-cultural contexts. You'll touch on theories covered in previous management units, such as motivation theories, HRM orientations, scientific management principles, IB concepts etc. and you will be expected to apply these in an international context. The group assignment was a bit challenging, as there is very little guidance provided, however this is done on purpose. The essay is the complete opposite but there's a lot to put in it, so definitely don't leave it until the last minute. Also, Olga practically gives you what will be on the exam so for goodness sake, listen to her.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Relevant but quite dull. All content is generally covered in other management subjects and the content throughout semester seems to repeat itself quite a bit with such a strong focus on culture.