Principles of Civil Litigation

David Bamford, Mark J. Rankin

For sale by Jassi for $80


A comprehensive collection of case law and statutes relevant to the subject - in an aesthetically pl...

42 pages, 17172 words

LAW5013 - Principles of Litigation and Dispute Resolution Exam Notes

Exam style notes including legislation and case law citations. Exam notes include the following topi...

44 pages, 15918 words

LAW5013 - PLDR - HD notes

This is an exam-ready notes. Not too detailed. This notes cover the following topics: 1. Alter...

33 pages, 13532 words

LAW5013 T2 Course Notes

A comprehensive summary of the following topics with case summary Topic 1 Case Management Topic 2...

67 pages, 28018 words

HD Principles of Litigation and Dispute Resolution Law Exam Notes

Exam notes created in Trimester 1 2019 for LAW5013 Principles of Litigation and Dispute Resolution (...

58 pages, 19650 words

LAW5013 Principles of Litigation and Dispute Resolution T1 2020 Exam Notes

Exam notes for LAW5013 Principles of Litigation and Dispute Resolution (PLDR) T1 2020 Topics cove...

56 pages, 17555 words

Principles of Litigation and Dispute Resolution (T1, 2020) - Case Summaries

All case summaries from the 2020 T1 Reading Guide. Topics included are: - Class Actions - Juri...

14 pages, 6859 words

Comprehensive Dispute Resolution and Litigation Notes

Detailed notes from readings, seminars and powerpoints for Dispute Resolution and Litigation on the...

115 pages, 39000 words

Comprehensive Litigation Law Exam Checklist

Detailed checklist and prompts to use in exam for Dispute Resolution and Litigation on the following...

56 pages, 15000 words


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