A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia

Michael Bryan

For sale by X for $50

Equity and Trusts in Australia

Michael Bryan, Vicki Vann, Susan Barkehall Thomas

For sale by Ashton for $80

LAW5010 Principles of Trusts HD Exam Notes (T3 2019)

Exam Notes with a clear exam structure, opening words for each topic, some short summaries for impor...

55 pages, 20318 words

HD Trusts Exam Notes

These trusts exam notes were made in Tri 3 2017 Monash JD. I received a HD using these notes for...

65 pages, 10000 words

Case Summaries - Trusts

Topics: - Creation of Trusts, Certainty of Intention - Trusts, Powers and Certainty of Object - C...

71 pages, 35433 words

Comprensive Principle of Trusts Notes - Theories, Principles, Cases, Starter Sentences

Includes Theories, Principles, Cases, Starter Sentences on the following topics: Introduction an...

91 pages, 43694 words

Trusts Exam Case Summaries

All the cases, concisely summarised into one document and can be taken into exams. Topics covered ar...

76 pages, 28581 words

LAW5010 Trusts Exam Notes

Topics covered: - Classification/terminology - Creation of trust - Certainty of Intention...

36 pages, 8270 words


- Creation of Trusts focusing on the Express Trust - Three Certainties (Intention, Object and Subj...

35 pages, 11206 words

Trusts Exam Notes

Exam structure for trusts including a formalities table and flowchart (not included in sample). L...

41 pages, 15109 words

LAW5010 - Principles of Trusts

Examination style notes including statutory and case law authority. Topics include: - Classifica...

100 pages, 36974 words

HD Principles of Trusts Law Exam Notes

Exam notes created in Trimester 3 2018 for LAW5010 Principles of Trusts (Monash JD). These notes...

48 pages, 15850 words


$55 per hour

I have completed my law degree with first-class honors and is a third-year lawyer at a big six firm....
