Parker and Evans's Inside Lawyers' Ethics

Vivien Holmes, Francesca Bartlett

For sale by Lara for $50

Parker and Evans's Inside Lawyers' Ethics

Vivien Holmes, Francesca Bartlett

For sale by Grace for $80

Inside Lawyers' Ethics

Christine Parker

For sale by Mandy for $50



For sale by Mandy for $120

Lawyers Ethics EXAM NOTES LAW4309

These notes cover all the relevant material, including case summaries, legislation and some policy r...

63 pages, 35006 words

Ethics - Case Book

An in-depth analysis of all 80 cases in Ethics, this book comes complete with each case's facts, iss...

53 pages, 28997 words

LAW4309 - Detailed Ethics Notes

These notes include absolutely everything you need to know for this subject!! They show detailed 'st...

90 pages, 44000 words

Lawyers Ethics in Practice

Comprehensive Notes for LAW4309 Lawyers Ethics in Practice Topic 1: Introduction and Overview Topi...

194 pages, 65200 words

Complete Ethics Exam Notes HD (81)

Notes are laid out in a way which makes it easy to follow in a take-home exam situation. Have pre...

82 pages, 25217 words

Lawyers Ethics HD Summary Notes

Summary notes for the following topics: Approaches to ethical decision-making, Lawyers' duties, Resp...

97 pages, 42601 words

HD (85) Ethics Course Notes

Lawyers' General Duties Lawyers' Duties in Civil Matters Lawyers' Duties in Criminal Matters Conf...

112 pages, 31104 words

HD Ethics Notes

Detailed but concise notes. A difficult subject to make notes for but these will significantly help...

67 pages, 24000 words


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