Australian Labour and Employment Law

Marilyn Jane Pittard, Richard Naughton

For sale by Isabella for $50

HD Law of Employment Comprehensive Exam Notes (updated, 2021)

This is the complete set of notes used to obtain a HD in LAW4132 Law of Employment in Semester 1 202...

123 pages, 55956 words

HD LAW4132 Employment Law Notes

These are notes I used in the Employment Law exam and also used during the assignments. I got a HD i...

70 pages, 20608 words

HD Notes (81) Law of Employment

These notes are neatly formatted (with headings, subheadings and tables) and contain concise summari...

101 pages, 47685 words


These notes were used to achieve a HD for the unit. The document includes a script for the exam and...

129 pages, 52178 words

LAW4132 Employment Law Exam Notes (87, HD)

Covers all course and exam material with all legislative references and case law (including short su...

69 pages, 33349 words

HD Law of Employment Exam Templates

Hi,  These templates are very structured. They are also exam friendly because they are colour cod...

102 pages, 35118 words

HD LAW4132 Employment Law Notes

These HD notes provide helpful case summaries, tables and a structure that can help you ace what can...

58 pages, 27144 words

Employment Law Notes (HD)

Complete exam notes for all topics in Employment Law. The notes are concise, well organised and...

87 pages, 33000 words

Employment Law (HD) Exam Script

These were the notes I used to score a HD in the exam. It includes all the course material, relevant...

59 pages, 34637 words


These were my HD (81) Exam Structured Notes for law of employment. They are a succinct combination o...

135 pages, 50755 words


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It is one of my favourite subjects cause it can be very relevant to our lives. However, the content is very heavy and the course is not structured very well. You should be prepared to put in the work and remain up to date throughout the semester

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

previous review is outdated. this unit has a lot of content and is by no means a bludge. It is very interesting and relevant, however be prepared to put in the work. there is a steep learning curve and it is important to remain up to date throughout the semester.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Highly recommend this unit. Definitely something to do if you want easy marks, and especially manageable with a heavy workload. 3/10 difficulty.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018