Principles of Contract Law

Jeannie Marie Paterson, Andrew Robertson, Arlen Duke

For sale by Mandy for $50


Jeannie Marie Paterson, Andrew Robertson, Arlen Duke

For sale by Mandy for $60

Contract B Exam-Ready Notes

Process notes, including case summaries where analogy is important. Key facts highlighted and princi...

40 pages, 13361 words

LAW2010 Case Appendix

Case appendix for the LAW2101 Contract B reading guide Sem 2 2017

57 pages, 38984 words


Full comprehensive notes that covers the entire course used to achieve a HD mark. Notes are set out...

23 pages, 8936 words

HD Contract B Final Notes used in the Exam

These notes are very comprehensive and helped me to get an HD in the final exam. They are easy to fo...

54 pages, 30648 words


INCLUDES: Termination Remedies for Breach Frustration Vitiating Factors Statutory Vitiating Fa...

105 pages, 10000 words

Contract B Exam Templates

Extremely exam friendly templates that are easy to navigate, with key phrases to secure that HD mark...

49 pages, 26396 words

Contract B Exam Notes

Content and Case Summaries Content is structured in 'steps' as to how to answer a problem questio...

76 pages, 21781 words

LAW2102: Contract B - Full Semester Notes

Comprehensive notes from LAW2102 compiled from lectures, textbook readings and supplementary materia...

46 pages, 21383 words

Contract B Exam Workable Notes

These are my notes for Contract B. They're divided into sections with maps of how to approach the di...

124 pages, 41636 words

Contract B - Principles Book

A clear, concise and thorough companion for those studying Contract B, this book explains each princ...

81 pages, 24800 words


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$28 per hour

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Well structured lectures and clear reading guide. A little dry on some of the content, but now that it is open book it made it much easier to get really interested in the cases without worrying about having to memorise everything.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016