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HD (91) GEN2041 NOTES

Comprehensive notes from lecture slides and information from the lecturer. Covers exam content and a...

64 pages, 11597 words

GEN2041 Notes

These notes include summaries of each lecture and relevant reading materials for each week. These no...

69 pages, 17752 words

GEN2041 Notes

Hey guys :). These notes cover all of the basic principles of genetics and also explore fundamental...

52 pages, 6322 words

Chromosome rearrangements

This is summary of the ways chromosome can be rearranged and how this can impact an organism. The no...

9 pages, 900 words

Changes in Chromosome Number

A summary of aneuploidly in humans, covering all the basic facts need to know about the topic.

4 pages, 500 words

Mendelian Inheritance - Extension II

Continued information about the extensions to Mendelian inheritance

4 pages, 589 words


$30 per hour

Hi! I'm Kelly, your personal tutor. I am a Deans Scholar, and currently in my penultimate year of my...


$25 per hour

As a PhD graduate and experienced academic, I offer personalized online tutoring services to help yo...


$25 per hour

I am a graduate in the Bachelor of Science-Biochemistry at Monash University, completed along with m...


The unit was very fun and interesting. The UE/CE Richard was very approachable and always made sure we understood the content. He was very helpful during the labs as well, going around and checking in with everyone. There were pre-lab quizzes that were very helpful with the lab reports and also in sync with the lectures. The exam was quite hard - closed book and invigilated, but if you generally keep up with the content and the labs it shouldn't be too bad

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

I loved this unit! All the content is really interesting, and Richard is a great lecturer. Hendrika was amazing for practicals (even online), however the TAs I had were really unhelpful. I found the workshop quizzes to be a great way to keep on top of lectures, as you have to watch the lecture before going to your workshop. The exam was pretty hard, and is worth 50% of the unit.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

The unit was okay. The lectures can get a bit boring sometimes but the practical classes were very good. I enjoyed the unit and learnt a lot from it. Need to put some effort if you wanna get a high score. But definitely recommend the unit.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016