Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management

Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris

For sale by Nabiha for $50

HD (92) DATABASES NOTES (incl. notes on all prescribed textbook reading and workshop content)

Comprehensive notes on all prescribed textbook readings for those who don't have time to go through...

69 pages, 26280 words

FIT2094 Exam Revision Notes

Detailed notes on all topics covered in FIT2094. Notes are structured by topics. It is split into...

80 pages, 21083 words

Introduction to Databases

This extensive set of notes covers the entire FIT2094 syllabus and includes practice questions and a...

33 pages, 14097 words


Notes on fit2094

58 pages, 8802 words


$30 per hour

I am a recent graduate who just finished Monash's masters of Artificial Intelligence course, as well...


$70 per hour

Online and in person assessment mentorship available. I'm happy to work through homework, past exams...


$60 per hour

I completed the Master of Business Analytics Program at Monash, and I achieved HDs and Ds in all uni...


$20 per hour

Master of business analytics(studying), MBA and Engineering Graduate teaching Collaborative practice...
