Environmental chemistry
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It's alright. The labs are divided into a research project which I found very interesting and a nice choice. However, our supervisor for the project did not allow us to design our own project and we were just given a list of instructions instead. Lectures were fairly disorganised and uninteresting, becoming more disorganised and uninteresting in the later topics, especially the energy chemistry lectures. The first two lecturers were alright but the last lecturer for energy chemistry wasn't very good at all and it was a struggle to understand what exactly we needed to know in the lectures.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
It is divided into 3 topics: water, soil and energy. Only the water chemistry topic is well organised; the lecture flow, content, and study materials for soil and energy chemistry is not well organised. (Poor presentation slides, tutorial materials and solutions). However it is an interesting unit as it grants students the opportunity to carry out their own research project (From planning, sampling from selected areas, analysis, interpret results, result discussion and presentation to the professionals.)