Vanders Human Physiology

Eric P. Widmaier, Hershel Raff, Kevin T. Strang

For sale by Evelyn for $100

Vander's Human Physiology

Eric P. Widmaier, Hershel Raff, Kevin T. Strang

For sale by Nim for $50

HD BMS2031 Notes

Comprehensive BMS2031 notes containing everything you need to know for the mid-semester test, labs a...

113 pages, 18472 words

BMS 2031 Lecture Notes (HD)

Summarized lecture contents, step-by-step explanation of physiological processes, and clearly-labell...

100 pages, 19259 words

BMS2031 Cardiovascular and Renal physiology HD notes

A comprehensive set of notes covering the cardiovascular and renal physiology themes within BMS2031....

21 pages, 4770 words

BMS2031 Subject Notes - Learning Objective Summaries

Thorough but concise notes on each of the learning objectives for Body Systems - separated into each...

66 pages, 13500 words

Gastrointestinal Physiology

32 page summary of gastrointestinal physiology based on lectures and textbook resources specific to...

32 pages, 7001 words

Reproductive Physiology

A comprehensive 16 page summary on concepts reviewed in course BMS2031 related to male and female re...

16 pages, 3186 words

Respiratory Physiology

A comprehensive 47 page summary on the function of the lungs following lecture objectives outlined i...

47 pages, 10112 words

BMS2031 Notes

This is a comprehensive 132 page document listing ALL information provided by the lecturer and lectu...

132 pages, 18837 words

HD BMS2031: Body Systems Lecture Summaries

A collaboration of notes I summarised and condensed into 'BMS2031 Lecture Summaries' using informati...

18 pages, 15486 words

Cardiovascular Physiology

A comprehensive 49 page summary of lecture objectives outlined in Monash University's BMS2031. Topic...

49 pages, 9164 words


$70 per hour

Hello! My name is EJ, and I am a S1/S2 GAMSAT tutor. Currently, I am pursuing a degree in Medicin...


$45 per hour

I have completed my undergrad with a biomedical science with electives of Maths. I am currently doin...


Interesting unit but difficult and overbloated exam.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Good unit! Not content heavy at all and the tutorials are amazing help!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

A straightforward and well-organised unit. I found the textbook useful when preparing for the short-answer component of the mid-semester test and the exam.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Great unit! Julia Choate is amazing. The lectures are well-organised and so are the labs. Vander's (the textbook) is really useful but not necessary as the lecture notes are sufficient.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015