Theories of International Relations

Burchill S. Et Al

For sale by Lara for $20

An Introduction to International Relations

Devetak, Richard

For sale by Peter for $40

The Globalization of World Politics

John Baylis, Steve Smith, Patricia Owens

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International Relations Exam Summary Notes

Comprehensive summary notes for the IR exam. At time of publishing, results were not released. Bu...

9 pages, 2230 words


$28 per hour

I'm a PhD candidate who loves to tutor and help my students ACE their assessments! Message me today...


$30 per hour

Hi! I'm Kelly, your personal tutor. I am a Deans Scholar, and currently in my penultimate year of my...


$25 per hour

As a PhD graduate and experienced academic, I offer personalized online tutoring services to help yo...


Heavy workload with lots of reading

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

I can say this was a great subject to anyone who never skipped lessons and any student who put effort to learn. I passed just fine

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Very content heavy subject, two chapters of textbook reading each week which is generally super dry, as well as 2 hours of lectures each week. Not sure about the other tutors but Bryce Weber was so unhelpful, he treated our tutorial like another lecture so spoke the whole time, never got through all the content, always got distracted talking about material that we only needed to know in little depth, rather than concentrating on the more difficult concepts. If you are allocated him as a tutor I recommend switching classes. On the other hand, assessments were very easy, the first assessment is a multiple choice quiz with only 10 questions, and it's done at home so notes, textbook, and the internet makes it an easy HD. The major essay was also very easy to do well in, and there were lots of topics to choose from.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

Tutors marking scheme was fleshed out in detail; expectations for assessments were clear, and adaptable. A unit worth taking if you take interest in Politics/IR, or if you haven't concerned yourself with either of the two and would like to achieve a solid grasp of its theoretical foundations, including the key academic perspectives and issues which come into play in the global sphere. Give it a shot!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

It's a fast paced unit with quite a lot of content to cover each week – particularly with IR theory, which can prove difficult to get your head around at times. Aside from that it's a nicely structured unit, the lecturers were good (although the 9AM start time wasn't so nice), and the textbook complemented the unit well. Assessments are pretty straight forward and typical of an arts unit; two essays. The exam was 3 short (500 word) essays and provided a good range of questions for you to pick from; the 2hr limit was a challenge though. The lecture:tutorial ratio felt off with not enough time to discuss the complex theories and issues in tutes, and very fast-paced lectures. Overall though, I'd recommend taking this unit if IR interests you, it's a solid introduction.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

A solid introductory unit that covers all of the main schools of thought in international relations as well as all of the major issues. As noted by another reviewer, there is a lot of content in this unit that is covered very quickly, however, a proactive student should have no trouble with this unit.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Eurocentric... enough said But honestly, it is a great unit but the number of readings per week is daunting, content is covered very quickly, and you have to be proactive to keep up with the pace. Some concepts are difficult and this is not an easy unit but it is doable. Tutors are amazing, give great feedback on assignments but I feel that more explanation and clarity on assignments is needed.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Very term dependant assessments with a slight lack of depth to explanations.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2013