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Rebecca was a great lecturer, and Eugenio was an amazing tutor. If you don't love law, this unit pro...

4 years ago


Jaii was so boring to listen to as a lecturer, and made things overly complicated or didn't explain...

4 years ago


Wayne is amazing and very easy to understand. He's a bit cringy at times, as he tries to relate to h...

4 years ago


Olga is quite an interesting lecturer, she really goes in depth and tries to help students understan...

4 years ago


Jonothan is an amazing lecturer, he is super easy to understand and truly wants his students to do t...

4 years ago


I loved this unit, the group project was super useful for consolidating knowledge, and Dewi was a wo...

4 years ago



4 years ago


Practice Exam answers are not given to students. You have to go to consultation to go through every...

4 years ago


Really hard to understand, impractical, the lecturer gave little explanations and information

4 years ago


I absolutely LOVED this unit. My friends who did this unit told me it was really hard, so I made sur...

4 years ago


Pretty boring. Exam was taken away, which completely destroyed any motivation to properly study.

4 years ago


I loved this unit!! The lectures by Dewi I found really interesting and engaging and I loved how she...

4 years ago


This unit is pretty easy, and mostly interesting. If you put in the work and study properly it shoul...

4 years ago


You may find a few mixed reviews of this unit. The chief examiner the sem before was only there for...

4 years ago


This unit is hard, I think because it has a new coordinator this year. I worked my butt off and bare...

4 years ago


Dry and content heavy - not too difficult to achieve a solid grade if you keep up to date with conte...

5 years ago


Thoroughly applicable in real life scenarios - well worth it.

5 years ago


Although the content was heavily economics focused, this unit was much more comprehensible than Fore...

5 years ago


Chip away at the content every other day, ask questions in class and know the formatting of the exam...

5 years ago


Relatively manageable if you keep up to date with the weekly content.

5 years ago


The content was useful and interesting enough, but don't take this unit unless you need to or are su...

5 years ago


It was quite an interesting subject. Made me look at packages in a whole different way. Definitely c...

5 years ago


Amazing! learnt so much from this unit. The final assignment is worth a lot and requires a lot of ef...

5 years ago


This was a unit I thoroughly enjoyed. Had a great tutor and whatever I learnt was very practical and...

5 years ago

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