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Lecturer and co-lecturer are really good (not dry) even if the lecture content is dry. The labs are...

6 years ago


I liked this unit and I liked Shoba (unpopular opinion). I ended with a high mark, but invested a lo...

6 years ago


Unstructured but easy content

6 years ago


Textbook is quite helpful. As with other macro topics, understanding graphs is important. It is easy...

6 years ago


Learn a lot of stuff about portfolio, derivative, fixed-income securities. Mainly math but have some...

6 years ago


Similar to ACST101, good algebra skills are important to do well. You do learn useful topic like bon...

6 years ago


Basic finance topics on time value of money, bond and equity pricing. Very focus on math so you need...

6 years ago


Strong knowledge of journal entries & first-year accounting knowledge is essential to do well in thi...

6 years ago


Build up knowledge from ACC 1. I like it because the assignment is quite practical. You get to use M...

6 years ago


It's management accounting so you learn a lot about costing, tactical decision. Mostly calculation b...

6 years ago


Mainly financial accounting from journal entry to preparing financial statements. Quite technical bu...

6 years ago


Just do tutorial questions for practice, you will be fine. Hypothesis testing & regression are more...

6 years ago


Essentially regression. You learn simple & multiple regression in cross-sectional data context. Atte...

6 years ago


Quite Practical but contents can be dry as with any statistics courses. Practice tutorial questions...

6 years ago


If you need to learn mathematics. Go on khan academy. Lecturers are crap. General maths students wil...

6 years ago


Didn't enjoy this unit as I'm studying chem/bio. Lectures were sometimes interesting with the live d...

6 years ago


Content was pretty interesting, content heavy when going through the different cycles in the body (a...

6 years ago


Did well in 103 so I thought this wouldn't be too bad as it builds on previous content (hahaha I was...

6 years ago


interesting and an easy pass. I've never used a unit so much in every day life.

6 years ago


Great unit, highly recommend it. You learn writing skills vital for assignments in other units, and...

7 years ago


Really easy unit, waste of time for anyone who can do basic maths.

7 years ago


Really challenging unit, but if you attend all of the lectures, workshops, practicals and PAL sessio...

7 years ago


Good subject. Lab work is engaging and content is relatively easy to learn. Past papers are very hel...

7 years ago


Easy unit but not very engaging. Tutorials were basically a waste of time and involved a lot of grou...

7 years ago

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