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Horrible HORRIBLE unit. Assessments are very hard and you don't get enough time for the midsem or fi...

5 years ago


Unit is quite easy, most of the assessment is multiple choice. Probably too much focus on amino acid...

5 years ago


Overall a pretty good unit. Jess is an amazing tutor, but the course could use more lab work (despit...

5 years ago


Don’t do this unit unless you really have to. Content is so bland, long and boring.

5 years ago


By far one of the worst units i've ever done!!! Very boring, very disorganised and the tutorials are...

5 years ago


Best unit I have taken. And this is physical chemistry... Lecturer / Conveynor is a great human. The...

5 years ago


Would have been good to learn more about Indigenous life prior to white settlement. In the group pro...

5 years ago


Seminars were too long, and lectures were done online. Given lectures were online not sure why semin...

5 years ago


It is a very hard subject, there's a lot that they expect for you to be able to understand and memor...

5 years ago


I did this unit as my first year unit, and this was one hell of a ride. There are a lot of readings...

5 years ago


Dana Skopal is the worst tutor i have ever had, don't take this subject. She is unhelpful and pushes...

5 years ago


Decent unit. Lecturer was great. Final exam was a big jump from the class work though, so was more d...

5 years ago


Lecturers are great. Assessments were mostly fair. Tutorials were awful though. Keith was the most...

5 years ago


Great unit! Assessments were fair. Only issue was the lectures dragged over two hours.

5 years ago


Boring content that is easy to understand but is incredibly hard to illustrate in essays and the fin...

5 years ago


One of the very few inspiring subjects at Macquarie in the Education degree. The tutors are great an...

5 years ago


The lectures and tutorials are very slow yet its an easy subject to pass as there's no final exam an...

5 years ago


Unfortunately for everyone doing a biology/paeleo major, this unit is compulsory. It isn't run very...

5 years ago


Brian is an excellent teacher! Admittedly he's not so great with the animal physiology side (he's a...

5 years ago


I really enjoyed this unit! It gives a broad underpinning foundation to all of biology; from basics...

5 years ago


An all-round great unit! The content is interesting and the lab work is fun if you invest your time...

5 years ago


A brilliant unit! Absolutely fundamental to all biology and prepares you for the rest of your biolog...

5 years ago


An excellent unit with a fantastic lecturer! Engaing, fun, and always interesting! I never did b...

5 years ago


Highly recommend! Great subject, lots of fun and very interesting. Great lecturers and tutors who a...

5 years ago

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