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To be sincere i find anything legal related to be very simple. This subject was one of the many law...

4 years ago


To be sincere i find anything legal related to be very simple. This subject was one of the many law...

4 years ago


To be sincere i find anything legal related to be very simple. This subject was one of the many law...

4 years ago


To be sincere i find anything legal related to be very simple. This subject was one of the many law...

4 years ago


Not a difficult unit. A very interesting one. Calculus is not needed but some maths are required (e....

4 years ago


I enjoyed this unit, the workload is immense compared to other subjects but I felt I gained a lot of...

4 years ago


I didn't enjoy this unit and found it harder with classes being online. The lectures were easy to fo...

4 years ago


Super interesting and enjoyable. This unit was structured well and it is easy to keep up to date wit...

4 years ago


This unit was okay, lectures were interesting but didn't enjoy the tutorials. The assessments were w...

4 years ago


Easy subject to get a HD in. The quizzes and the assessments are quite straightforward and VERY simi...

4 years ago


The lecturer (Joyce) and the tutors are amazing. There is a LOT of content, but Joyce and the tutors...

4 years ago


The lecturer (Joyce) and the tutors are amazing. There is a LOT of content, but Joyce and the tutors...

4 years ago


Stay on top of the content. Concepts aren't hard to grasp. You'll be fine if you are willing to put...

4 years ago


Stay on top of the content. Concepts aren't hard to grasp. You'll be fine if you are willing to put...

4 years ago


Stay on top of the content. Concepts aren't hard to grasp. You'll be fine if you are willing to put...

4 years ago


This subject explores biomolecules: lipids, nucleic acids, proteins and carbohydrates. It is importa...

4 years ago


This subject teaches some basic statistics principles. However, full marks for the subject can be ac...

4 years ago


Honestly a VERY EASY UNIT. Pay attention to what you actually need, understand the process of execut...

4 years ago


Its a very heavy unit with a lot of memorisation involved. The practicals are very useful though, te...

4 years ago


Very solid introduction into info sys. You will learn a lot of SQL with this too

4 years ago


Very hard to understand at first, but the models that they teach you are very very interesting once...

4 years ago


Basically Finance 1b part 2. A Classic Finance unit

4 years ago


Very heavy unit! A lot of content to remember, honestly a tough one and a big jump from Finance 1A....

4 years ago


Honestly a great unit, very easy to understand, and introduces a lot of core accounting concepts tha...

4 years ago

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