Introduction To Probability
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Enjoyed the subject, tutorials are fun
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
STAT273 is pretty straightforward if you have a little background in mathematics, integration and differentiation. But if you don't have this background, a simple Youtube session watching basics will be fine. No need to learn integration techniques like parts, partial fractions or substitution. R is a useful tool, get in the habit of learning and using it early on, it will be used again and again. The lecture notes are extensive and quite good to learn from (After week 4 I didn't watch any lectures I just read the notes and got HD). Probability is not intuitive, once you get into more probability distributions, you will realise that its not intuitive, you will need to read the question thoroughly and recall characteristics of different distributions to be able to identify it. use your reference sheet wisely.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Very difficult for those who have a weak background in mathematics. Recommend doing first year mathematics subjects first before undertaking 273. Russell Jarrett is an amazing tutor.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
Subject is poorly taught, some lecturers are terrible and tutorials are useless