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View all LAWS5056 notesDistinction Succession Notes
Simplified Succession Notes. Easy to understand and follow. Notes include the following topics: A...
50 pages, 13592 words
Succession Law - Full Semester Notes
A very well summarised, detailed set of full notes for Succession Law at Macquarie University. Conta...
95 pages, 25932 words
Succession Law - complete summary of lectures, textbook and cases!
These notes contain everything you need to get a distinction in the subject! They have all relevant...
129 pages, 57188 words
Exam Notes combining Lecture Notes and Case Summaries
I used these notes for the exam. Due to the Convenor being ill we only covered content for weeks...
67 pages, 34603 words
Macquarie: Succession (LAW556), external
Covers weeks 1-11 of 12; missing week 12, "Revocation and alteration of wills". Excellent coverage o...
47 pages, 17884 words
Exam Notes (Weeks 1-10)
These comprehensive notes cover the entirety of the course that was taught during Semester 2 2016....
63 pages, 32595 words