Remedies in Australian Private Law

Katy Barnett, Sirko Harder

For sale by Andrea for $120

Remedies Cases and Materials in Australian Private Law

Katy Barnett, Kenneth Yin, Martin Allcock

For sale by Mehak for $90

Remedies in Australian Private Law

Katy Barnett, Sirko Harder

For sale by Mehak for $90

Remedies Cases and Materials in Australian Private Law

Katy Barnett, Kenneth Yin, Martin Allcock

For sale by Simeon for $90

Remedies Cases and Materials in Australian Private Law

Katy Barnett, Kenneth Yin, Martin Allcock

For sale by Jacinta for $80

Remedies in Australian Private Law

Katy Barnett, Sirko Harder

For sale by Gabby for $80

HD - Detailed Remedies Exam & Case Notes (incl every case mentioned)

HD Exam & Case notes for every topic from lectures, readings and tutorials. * Introduction and AD...

73 pages, 34388 words

HD - Comprehensive Remedies Case Notes (covers all cases)

HD Case brief notes for every topic from lectures, readings and tutorials. * Introduction and ADR...

35 pages, 17400 words

Exam Notes for Hypothetical Question

These notes contain lecture and reading materials pertinent to answering a hypothetical question....

128 pages, 38409 words


$40 per hour

I'm a final-year Commerce/Law student at Macquarie University with a strong academic record, includi...


Another practical unit. The Textbook, whilst an interesting read, is not suited for students and is too 'academic'. However, my lecturer did a great job cutting through all the fluff. The unit requires some very elementary mathematics - do not be scared.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

I will be honest, out of all the units I’ve done, this had to be the most challenging compulsory unit in the degree. Then again it is the capstone unit for a law degree, so I shouldn’t have been too surprised… The reason why this unit is challenging is that you will be going through a crash course on remedies in torts (nominal damages and negligence), contracts (damages and negligence), equity and trusts (constructive trusts, account of profits, equitable compensation), and then you go into policy topics. It is a lot of content for 13 weeks, especially with the two textbooks we had to look at for the semester (one was a theory textbook and the other one was a case book). PLEASE GET THE TEXTBOOKS AS EBOOKS (I made the mistake of hardcopy and having to type up my notes at the very end of the semester…). Unfortunately, while Michael is a nice person, he does not get back to student's responses on the discussion forum regularly (this was noticeable in the second half of the semester, in the first half he did respond to some queries). That is a major downfall of this unit as you will be stuck with questions unanswered and will need to try and sort them out yourself. Hopefully, this isn’t an issue next year. If you want to do well in this unit, make sure you do well in participation and the first research essay/assignment. It will save some stress for the final. The final exam was 50% for this unit this year, so doing well in participation (20%) and the research assignment/essay (30%) is crucial if you're someone who doesn't do well in exams. Love her or hate her (I personally love her), get Liza Rybak as your tutor for this unit too. She genuinely wants her students to succeed and will push them to do well. I know that she pushed me to work much harder than I expected in this unit and I did pay off for the final exam. Without her, I wouldn’t have pushed myself to get everything done in this unit and wouldn’t have gone as well as I did. While this review may make this unit sound scary, here is some consolation, if a doofus like me who would rather watch TV can get 78/100 for this unit overall, so can you :)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023