Contemporary Australian Corporate Law

Stephen Bottomley, Kath Hall, Peta Spender, Beth Nosworhty

For sale by Emily for $100

Contemporary Australian Corporate Law

Stephen Bottomley, Kath Hall, Peta Spender, Beth Nosworthy

For sale by Ameilya for $80

Contemporary Australian Corporate Law

Stephen Bottomley, Kath Hall, Peta Spender, Beth Nosworhty

For sale by Joel for $80

Contemporary Australian Corporate Law

Stephen Bottomley, Kath Hall, Peta Spender, Beth Nosworthy

For sale by Georgia for $40

Contemporary Australian Corporate Law

Stephen Bottomley, Kath Hall, Peta Spender, Beth Nosworhty

For sale by Martin for $100

Contemporary Australian Corporate Law

Stephen Bottomley, Kath Hall, Peta Spender, Beth Nosworhty

For sale by Megan for $70

Corporations and Financial Markets Law

Paul Redmond

For sale by Anjali for $50

Directors Duties Skeleton Step by Step for Problem Questions/Exam

- Used for Company Law and Business Organisations at Macquarie University for Juris Doctor and Under...

38 pages, 17187 words

HD - Summary Exam Notes w/ Comprehensive Flow Charts - Business Organisations

Summary HD exam notes with comprehensive flow charts Covers topics: 1. Business Organisations &...

26 pages, 40000 words

LAWS2300 Distinction Business Organisation Notes

High quality and comprehensive notes based on 'Bottomley et al, Contemporary Australian Corporate La...

216 pages, 60963 words

Company Law/Business Organisations Distinction Notes

- A very well summarised, detailed set of full distinction notes for Company Law/Business Organisati...

211 pages, 137912 words

High Distinction LAWS2300 (Business Organisations) Notes

High Distinction LAWS2300 - Business Organisations Notes Table of contents: 1. Business Organis...

189 pages, 50365 words

LAWS2300 Business Organisations Notes

Extensive Business Organisations notes based on lectures and textbooks, including: - Business Organ...

131 pages, 61398 words


$35 per hour

Hi! I'm studying a Juris Doctor (postgrad law degree) at Macquarie University and have a current Bac...


I think they have re recorded the lectures for this semester (I know previous students had really bad experiences with this subject) But for me, I could hear all the pre recorded lectures so I didn't have a problem. The textbook is good because it makes sense and goes with the tutorial work. I did find the multiple choice hard (Its sort of one of those things where I felt like there could be more than one answer) and also the tutorial questions can be hard. But I think there is plenty of chance to get extra marks with the class participation mark and the 2 x reflective exercises. Also, had Vivian as a tutor and she was lovely and very approachable.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Poorly taught lectures. Could not hear half the time. Teacher did not re-record and basically said 'deal with it'.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021