Sackville and Amp; Neave Australian Property Law, 10th Edition

Brendan Edgeworth, Christopher Rossiter, Margaret Stone, Pamela O'Connor, A. Godwin

For sale by Anne for $50

Property Law in New South Wales

Janice Gray, Heather J. Roberts, Neil Foster, Shaunnagh Dorsett

For sale by Matthew for $55



For sale by Lea for $150

Sackville and Amp; Neave Australian Property Law, 10th Edition

Brendan Edgeworth, Christopher Rossiter, Margaret Stone, Pamela O'Connor, A. Godwin

For sale by Georgia for $40

Sackville and Amp; Neave Australian Property Law, 10th Edition

Brendan Edgeworth, Christopher Rossiter, Margaret Stone, Pamela O'Connor, A. Godwin

For sale by Anne for $60

Property Law in NSW, 3rd Edition

Dorsett, S

For sale by Meg for $50

HD - Detailed Property Law Lecture Notes, including cases

Covers lecture and readings from Week 4 including: 1. Unit Introduction & the Concept of Property...

84 pages, 31887 words

HD Property (LAWS2200) Notes

LAWS2200 (Property) Notes - High Distinction Topics: 1. The Concept of Property 2. Fundamental...

161 pages, 46851 words

Distinction Property Law Notes

- A very well summarised, detailed set of full notes for Property Law at Macquarie University for Ju...

125 pages, 98582 words

LAWS2200 Property Law Final Exam Preparation Notes Weeks 5-13

An amalgamation of Weeks 5-13 Property Law readings and lecture notes, extremely useful for your fin...

135 pages, 58469 words

Property notes got HD in exam

Used these notes for the property law exam and got an HD. Very long and detailed. Topics: concept...

25 pages, 17500 words


$48 per hour

Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...


$30 per hour

## First session FREE ## PhD Candidate + Scholarship Recipient || Award-Winning Tutor || Exam Pre...


$20 per hour

Test Prep, Assignment Assistance, Essay Planning, Proofreading I look forward to taking on privat...


$25 per hour

** University Medallist ** Award Winning Tutor ** Funny, Relaxed and Approachable Hello! I'm Jan...


$100 per hour

Experienced lawyer and tutor of business and law subjects (10+ years). Academic background: Distinct...


$40 per hour

I'm a final-year Commerce/Law student at Macquarie University with a strong academic record, includi...


$25 per hour

Completing a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Finance/Information Systems and Bachelor of Laws at Ma...


$25 per hour

PhD scholarship holder || Casual Tutor/Lecturer || Award-winning teacher || Crazy Dog Lover Total...


$25 per hour

As a PhD graduate and experienced academic, I offer personalized online tutoring services to help yo...


$25 per hour

I am an experienced tutor specialising in exam preparation, online assessments, and I'm also a writi...


For me personally the first quiz was challenging (then again I'm horrid at multiple choice so this is personal bias). However, the content is good. Make sure you pay attention to the lectures and go to the tutorials! If you revise the tutorial problem questions, keep up with lectures, do the readings and most importantly participate in class (so you can ask questions when you don't understand something) you can get a distinction. Also Henry is a great tutor!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Henry is a great teacher! He is very thorough and logical with his teachings. To me property law is an extension of contracts, so I would study in the same way. Make sure you do readings, lectures and participate in tutorials. Try to keep up with the material and do not fall behind because it moves fast! But if you stay up to date with the work, it all actually makes sense!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021