
Jeffrey Perloff

For sale by Jenny for $40

Microeconomics Pearson International Edition

Pindyck, Rubinfeld*

For sale by James for $45

HIGH DISTINCTION ECON203 Microeconomic Analysis Notes and Diagrams

Comprehensive study notes based on Lecture and Workshop exercises, Tutorial and Homework questions,...

93 pages, 9933 words


$75 per hour

Hi there! I'm a PhD graduate and offer a money back guarantee! I guarantee you will see results in y...


Excellent unit! loved it, uses mathematics to prove a lot of theoretical underpinnings for economics. Although doing ECON131 or MATH123 would help a great deal in the maths component, but the key method to success in 203 is to understand the relationships for when something occurs, ie profit max when MR=MC, then solve (the math comes in here...)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Same concepts as Introductory Economics with a focus on math. You should brush up your basic algebra and calculus before you do this course. Having said that, if you math background is good, this course is a breeze.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

topics and assessment well-structured. requires some proficiency in maths since there are many calculations

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014