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FIN1FOF - Full Course Notes (Lecture, Textbook & Tutorial)

Includes weekly notes on: - Topic 1: Introduction to Finance - Topic 2: Time Value of Money - Top...

39 pages, 18648 words

FIN1FOF - Fundamentals of Finance Notes

Comprehensive notes of the entire semester's information for FIN1FOF from Tony Martin's lectures.

50 pages, 14258 words


$20 per hour

** Study SMART, not hard! ** Come learn the tricks I used in my undergrad studies to attain a WAM of...


$30 per hour

Hi Everyone I'm currently completing my PhD at one of Australia's top universities. I absolutely...


$60 per hour

RELIABLE-RESPONSIBLE-PATIENT-ACCESSIBLE [LIVE ZOOM] Looking for a friendly tutor who can help you...


$25 per hour

Get your study notes at TOVO.EDUCATION * | Premium Service | 1-On-1 Tutoring | Professional Li...


I unexpectedly loved this subject! I think the final exam was similar to the subject's weekly context, practice exam and question sets. Make sure to go to every single class because your tutor will go through the solutions of each question and it can be quite challenging trying to do everything by yourself. My tutor Hung was amazing he is also the subject coordinator and he is quite organised and responds to emails quickly if you ever need any help don't hesitate to ask him. The consultation sessions also helped a lot when I was struggling with questions. To be honest this is quite a difficult subject so make sure you always stay up to date and complete all of your weekly quizzes! Its also very helpful to make friends in class so that you can solve the equations together! We also got a chance to use the trading room and learn how to use bloomberg so use the trading room to your advantage and go there whenever it is free for students.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

All I can say is that having a great tutor helps so much! Did not buy the textbook for the unit and still got decent marks (high 80s). Def. recommend watching the lectures BEFORE going into your tutes. Lectures covered everything needed for the final exam... and the quizzes you had to do straight after helped reinforce the information... though will admit that it got tedious towards the end @.@

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

FOF is great in not only having an intro in studying finance, but also gives a taste tester in whether or not you want to continue studying finance as a major (i'm out!), would highly recommend as an early elective rather than a later core

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014