Applications Of Chemistry
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Hey! I am a Ph.D researcher in chemistry, and I'm capable of providing comprehensive instruction on...
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Biomed student with a 96% WAM (7 GPA). I got 100% in HBS1HBB & MIC1IPE, 99% in PAM1HSF, PAM2TUL & PA...
Great unit - content is challenging, but engaging. 3/4 lecturers are interesting and cool, but Mechler is annoying and up himself. Avoid his lectures. A good bit of reading and study is needed if you want a HD and above, but otherwise easy marks if you keep up and do your quizzes. Labs are stressful, long and a bit of a shitshow with some demonstrators. Come prepared and try to fill in your worksheet as much as you can before your lab. Carmel is the undisputed goat.