Contract Law

Lindy Willmott, Des Butler, Bill Dixon & Sharon Christensen

For sale by Telesha for $100

Contract Law

Lindy Willmott, Sharon Christensen, Des Butler, Bill Dixon

For sale by Hamish for $100

Contract Law

Willmott, Lindy

For sale by Ellis for $130

Contract Law Casebook

Butler, Des

For sale by Ellis for $80

Contracts 1 - Full Summary Notes (Ready for Exam)

These notes can be both taken into the final exam and they can also be used for facilitating individ...

25 pages, 8378 words

Semester Summary

- Summaries of lecture material - Explanations of legal concepts - Relevant cases for concepts,...

10 pages, 6108 words

Contracts 1 Final Exam Revision

Comprehensive set of notes covering the entire course content

23 pages, 7465 words


$30 per hour

Hi! My name is Rosa, and I am a casual lecturer and PhD candidate. I've been tutoring for over 10 ye...


Teacher is great, make sure you attend lectures AND keep on top of all of the note taking. There is a lot

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Teacher is amazingly helpful. MUST DO READINGS. It's a very easy subject to pass if you do the readings.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Enjoyed the class. I recommend to keep a list of the cases and its description. I recommend to keep this updated each week. Also, attempt tutorial questions, they were a big help!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015

Make sure you do weekly summaries and have case examples for everything as there is a lot of content in this subject. The weekly summaries will help you in your final exam.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015