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Exam unit revision notes

- reliability/validity - measuring intelligence - intelligence theories - repression and suppress...

7 pages, 1317 words

Individual Differences notes

Notes from week 1-13, with plenty of pictures and diagrams to help explain concepts

43 pages, 10272 words

PSY2305 Individual Differences Exam Notes

PSY2305 Individual Differences Exam Notes Very good exam notes as they have been personally selecte...

10 pages, 3200 words


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Ken is a great lecturer who wants you to pass and does everything he can to make sure you get the best marks you can. The assignments are great and the tutorials are really beneficial to learning. Ken gives you as much info as possible when it comes to the exam and even gives you the essay questions ahead of time. So much support in this unit - was really great!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

Fantastic lecturer that motivates, encourages and assists students greatly! While the content may seem heavy, focus mainly on the relevant topics for the exam. The assignments were also highly relevant and useful both for student and professional life.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016