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Interesting reading material. Mostly based on the tort of negligence

9 years ago


Revision of Lines & Planes in 2 and 3 space Introduction to Calculus: Differentiation; Integration....

9 years ago


This unit is clearly organized and the lecturers very helpful. easy pass, the mid semester is quite...

9 years ago


I didn't find it challenging at all . Can't really see the relevance to most health sciences student...

9 years ago


The way the unit is run is very good.You get enough time between assessments to organize yourself an...

9 years ago


This unit can get controversial . Discussions in class tend to get interesting.The journals we had...

9 years ago


Quite challenging,those compounding labs aren't everything though.Always stay ahead of the tutorials...

9 years ago


Make sure to be well versed in the world of organic chemistry . That makes up a huge portion of thi...

9 years ago


Could have been made better.The tutorials are really tiring to get through . All in all,exams were...

9 years ago


Good introduction to the unit that will be learned in the second semester by pharmacy students. I'd...

9 years ago


This is a very interesting unit where students get to learn about common ailments that customers com...

9 years ago


FA was a really good subject, there's so much content so a highly recommended suggestion would be to...

9 years ago


This unit was structured in a bit of a confusing manner. It wasn't a particularly interesting unit b...

9 years ago


This unit had interesting and relevant content to everyday life. The unit wasn't too difficult.

9 years ago


Functional Anatomy was a great unit! It was tough at times but it was really interesting :)

9 years ago


Difficult subject. Apparently the first time they've taught this. Confusing content and no overall s...

9 years ago


Really interesting and well organised subject. There's a lot of work to do but it's not hard to lear...

9 years ago


Diagrams helps for this unit. Lots of memorizing to be done,so to make life easier, attempt the ques...

9 years ago


Lots of information but a fairly disorganised unit overall. Massive amount of readings/viewings.

9 years ago


This course was run by Dr Lonsdale in Semester 2, 2015. She is an excellent lecturer with many diff...

9 years ago


Frustrating for anyone who takes the course in 2nd semester. Because this means that you have alrea...

9 years ago


Simon Fox is so helpful. Just email him he's a gem

9 years ago


Study in chunks.

9 years ago


Good unit for those interested in moving into human resources as it deals with much of interacting w...

9 years ago

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