StudentVIP at ADFA
303 cheap ADFA textbooks listed!
John Tosh
2 months ago
Thomas G. Mahnken, Joseph A. Maiolo
2 months ago
Andrew Heywood
2 months ago
Andrew Heywood
2 months ago
Mawdsley, Evan
2 months ago
413 ADFA subjects. Check out yours:
10 months ago
2 years ago
6 years ago
Just go to the Hub, there will be lots of activities on, more information available, and walking tours! :)
Finding the official textbooks- your FLO pages were updated today to reflect the new topics. For the required textbook, check under 'announcements' or in your respective topic guides. Alternatively, the topic coordinator will also announce it at your first lecture!
I am SoggyPinkSheep... UHM...
Do we need to purchase lab coat and safety goggles before the lessons start?
Do we need to purchase lab coat and safety goggles before the lessons start?
Best coffee on campus?
hey guys
"i have a pdf of the mktg1001 textbook if you want!"
Hey am I able to buy it?
Does anyone else has a unit of study that's not on their timetable?
It's that time of year again where I decided whether or not the previous textbook editions are just as good as the newer one :')
I'd be surprised if anybody doesn't go. I wonder if they book out the cinemas for us?
Kring - Abnormal Psychology
fundamentals of organic chemistry
If interested, please get in touch with your offers!! For sale: Marketing (MKTG101) book Legal Dictionary useful for all years of law PSY234 Social Psychology Heaps of psychology books, notes etc.
Anyone feel like meeting up for the summer break?
looks like people don't actually know how this works
Hi~ what are you studying this semester?
✊ â˜
Good luck for exams everyone!!
I’m enrolled in 2 units next year first semester is that too much ..? been out of academia for a while ....Doing BIOL108 and PSYCH104 any pointers...?
Anyone have an electronic copy of the BUS202 textbook?
Did I actually miss out on getting an orientation bottle? I never knew I could get them. I was out of town at the time :/
I love how active this space gets
Results are out :O
I wonder how may people will mistake me for someone who knows where the f* they are this session. The start of last session I said "The old C5A" to so many people totally unable to find "12 second way", LOL all Macquarie did was make every building now 'the old' something else!
Looks like everyone’s not from ADFA
Does anyone have any recommendations for a 200 or 300 level commerce elective?
Anyone know if it's worth buying the PSY235 - Developmental Psychology textbook? Don't want to repeat Cognitive Processes where Week 2 the convener was like oh you don't have to read that $90 book I said you needed.
Any latino in this website?
mi nema jeff
econ2105 elective. piss easy
Is there anyone who has taken ENGL1013? How was it?
Is it legal to buy someone else's study notes?
Land law
Anyone here studying comp115? I need help
If i'm studying a Bachelor of Psychological Science and also choose all electives to correspond with the requirements for a different major will they say i have actually completed the major or just studied the electives for nothing?
Anyone did biol3141 and biol3204 before? looking for a tutor....
did you find the place? you can ask around
This sounds random, but would anyone be in for a UWA Discord chat of some sort? I haven't seen one around, that's all
This might sound random, but would anyone think it's a good idea if we set up a UWA Discord server? I haven't seen one before that's all
If you don't have tutes, do you have workshops and/or labs?
you have food acid
Does anyone know when and where will the BUSS1040 lecture be on tomorrow?
Does anyone know where and when will the BUSS1040 lecture be on tomorrow?
yeah i do..I like BTS
What is this thread and how did I know about this
Hello, is there anybody selling Consumer Behaviour textbook? :)
how do i use this
hey pals
Anyone selling Integrated Chinese Level 1 Part 2 Textbook and Workbook?
I cant find my tutorial and lecture room from the campus map since they changed the location numbers???
Where is 25a Wally's Walk?? Does it even exist
are there anyone drive on Wednesday and will leave school at noon (12pm)? If so can we swap the parking bay? I study in bulding 10 at 12.30 so usually really hard to find parking at this time. It got Monday morning classes only so can share with you as well!
anyone doing SCLG2601, SCLG 2602, DATA2001, STAT2911? hit me uppppp
Who's doing international relations? switched degrees and looking for friends
urk.. would [U 25a Wallys Wlk 110 Tutorial Rm] be in W6B or W6A? ded at these changes
Why didn't my first post come up?
Wow, deadly magenta fox...always wanted to be one of those! Also Hi!!!! :)
Any MPA student? Do you have any recommendations for course selection?
Any MPA student? Do you have any recommendations for course selection?
[URGENT] In need of a tutor for ACCG200 and/or ACCG224! I'm aware that there is an option to find tutors on here but the options for these units are quite limited.
has anyone done engl120 and willing to do tutoring?
anyone doing business admin?
realising that you will forever be alone
I am selling my textbooks for MKTG303 and MKTG304 ! Check out my listing here on Student VIP
what am I doing with my life?
Anyone know if the most recent edition of Australian Corporations & Securities Legislation 2018 Volume 1 is necessary for Business Organisations? Will a 2016/2017 edition be fine?
principals of human anatomy
A bear, tiger and a lion walks into the club...
Anyone studying conveyancing at macq uni?