Auditing and Assurance Services in Australia

Grant E. Gay, Roger Simnett

For sale by Halimah for $90

Auditing, and Assurance Handbook 2016 Australia

S. Caanz

For sale by Halimah for $90

Auditing III - Test & Final Exam Notes

These notes provide a comprehensive week-by-week summary of the Auditing III course. At the time I...

93 pages, 20000 words

Auditing III Notes 86HD

Comprehensive Notes for Auditing III at the University of Adelaide 2014. Includes all tutorial submi...

129 pages, 46974 words


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I will say it's a very relevant elective for an accounting major student. Gives you a good perspective as to what an auditor will have to do in the working industry!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014