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- 291 ACU subject ratings
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A lot of content covered very quickly. Lecturers were pretty good but it wasn't always clear as to w...
8 years agoPSYC104
I felt like the concepts weren't taught properly. Tutorial was too dedicated to the assignment. It s...
8 years agoSOCS100
My favourite class by far! However, we never finished an entire lecture EVER! and more than half the...
8 years agoPSYC105
One word - BORING! In Brisbane you have two exams, an essay type thing called a portfolio and a grou...
8 years agoPSYC100
Attend the lectures if you want to get a good grade! This exam was the hardest by far!
8 years agoCOUN106
Extremely easy! Everything is common sense. There are some terms and stuff you need to learn but mos...
8 years agoARTS237
Penny is the best lecturer. Charismatic, funny, kind, and very knowledgeable with the material. She...
8 years agoSOCS209
Could be really good but the extensive Aboriginal content comes at the expense of other content. Als...
8 years agoLAWS106
Lecturers were great. Junior Barrister that took tuts was a bit of a waste of time, but everything e...
8 years agoENGL104
You don't need the textbook about theories on literary criticism but otherwise it's a fun unit
8 years agoPSYC316
if you don't like speeche,don't do this one, there's a speech for it lol. but the stuff is informati...
8 years agoUNCC100
Pretty much baby sitting to be honest. 1x 1 hour class a week and thats about it. Never really learn...
8 years agoHLSC120
I loved this subject at North Sydney. LIC was really good, had her as my tutor as well.
8 years agoEXSC187
Very easy subject, Paul was an amazing tutor. all you have to do is make sure you're prepared for ea...
8 years agoEXSC198
Good subject, tutors are more than happy to help. Very easy if you are doing the study questions eve...
8 years agoEXSC199
Quite and Easy Subject just have to make sure you stay up to date with all of the content, tutors ar...
8 years agoBrowse ACU subjects areas: