- Subjects
- Health
- 1,081 ACU Health textbooks
- 19 ACU Health tutors
- 351 ACU Health ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Health subjects at ACU...
Good introduction to psychology. It really depends what tutor you get as well... Try to get Chris,...
10 years ago
This subject covers a lot of boring and forgettable content. Not really worth doing unless you have...
10 years ago
It's a bit boring. You have to watch the series In Treatment, so its basically watching videos. It...
10 years ago
I really liked this subject. It was a good introduction to the basic skills and concepts surroundin...
10 years ago
Subject is a bit boring, especially the lectures and the exam is a bit hard. Make sur eyou do lots...
10 years ago
-Michelle Morris (ACU Melb lecturer/tutor) is passive aggressive. She reads straight off the lectur...
10 years ago
LIC unorganised and rarely present for lectures. Lecturer for the Indigenous and Torres Islander peo...
10 years ago
assginments weren't very clear. No clear direction of the subject and LIC was not so approachable
10 years ago
Great introduction to Acute Care! Loved Tanya's science & pharmacology lectures
10 years ago
The content was really enjoyable. However, if you were a student that didn't learn through wrote lea...
10 years ago
BIOL121 provides great insight to the body, it's systems, structures and how they work, without over...
10 years ago
can not agree with the lecture's advocacy and teaching style
10 years ago
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