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- Health
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Basic and easy to understand. As long as you get the content and don't overcomplicate you'll be fine
8 years ago
There is no motivation to put effort in, as there is no clear purpose for this subject.
8 years ago
A Tough Subject, But through a lot of hard work I was still able to get a HD :)
8 years ago
Loved the structure of this subject. Easy to follow as the weekly topics matched with the textbook....
8 years ago
Loved it. Problem was the teachers - ethnicity caused articulation issues. Particularly with complex...
8 years ago
Very dull, a good thing is that it didn't have an end of semester exam
8 years ago
I felt like the concepts weren't taught properly. Tutorial was too dedicated to the assignment. It s...
8 years ago
One word - BORING! In Brisbane you have two exams, an essay type thing called a portfolio and a grou...
8 years ago
Attend the lectures if you want to get a good grade! This exam was the hardest by far!
8 years ago
Extremely easy! Everything is common sense. There are some terms and stuff you need to learn but mos...
8 years ago
if you don't like speeche,don't do this one, there's a speech for it lol. but the stuff is informati...
8 years ago
Enjoyed the discussions, but was full on sometimes.
8 years ago
Only parts I found interesting were the in class debates...
8 years ago
Pretty much baby sitting to be honest. 1x 1 hour class a week and thats about it. Never really learn...
8 years ago
waste of time and money!
8 years ago
I loved this subject at North Sydney. LIC was really good, had her as my tutor as well.
8 years ago
Very easy subject, Paul was an amazing tutor. all you have to do is make sure you're prepared for ea...
9 years ago
Good subject, tutors are more than happy to help. Very easy if you are doing the study questions eve...
9 years ago
Quite and Easy Subject just have to make sure you stay up to date with all of the content, tutors ar...
9 years ago
Really good subject, very easy if you did Biology during HSC but not to difficult for those who didn...
9 years ago
Great subject!! I suggest reading some articles and anatomy of the body before going in!! also brush...
9 years ago
You should just save yourself the 1K on a subject you actually like, unless you're at ACU of course....
9 years ago
Easy uni, mainly common sense to get you througu the unit
9 years ago
This subject is very interesting and it is very helpful in demonstrating pathology of different dise...
9 years ago
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